👃 Parfum

Pareil pour les fringues du coup. Le japs portent des robes de chambre bizarres lĂ .

La niche est faite pour des gens qui s’y connaissent un poil. Il n’y a pas de code Ă©minent masculin ou fĂ©minin. Maintenant porte si d’armani ou la vie est belle. Bah ouai tu vas te prendre une remarque

Je l’ai jamais senti, mais perso Iris, oranger, patchouli ce sont des notes que j’aime bien l’étĂ©.

D’ailleurs cet Ă©tĂ© Aqua di Scandola, si je devais absolument lui coller un sexe ça serait plutĂŽt fĂ©minin.

Les pyra veulent rien dire honnĂȘtement. C’est comme dire « c’est un pull en mĂ©lange cachemire Â» avec 5% cachemire et 95 poly

Je force le trait. La vie est belle est un iris gourmand oui mais ça ne te donne pas vraiment d’indication sur ce que ça sent. C’est super gĂ©nĂ©raliste

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A l’inverse une nana bien brune qui porterait un Musc Tonkin ça ne me choquerait pas plus que ça.

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C’est pour ça que je dis que la niche compte pas

Invictus ça sent le mec de base

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Pour le coup je verrais bien Invictus sur une cagole marseillaise qui fait de la TV Réalité par exemple.

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Elle, elle peut porter du kouros si elle veut

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Mon dernier parfum c’était Fahrenheit de Dior. Je l’aimais bien. Mais ça date d’il y a au moins 20 ans.
A l’occaz, j’irai sur Brest pour voir ce qu’il s’y trouve.

Pareil, vilaines reformulations de Farenheit depuis ( dans l version actuelle, l’ouverture a un lien de parentĂ© avec l’original, l’évolution, plus du tout), j’ai un mal fou Ă  trouver une version des annĂ©es 90.
C’est la plaie, ces reformulations. Bien que des fois, un retour aux sources se produit (Egoiste a retrouvĂ© son caractĂšre -mais pas sa tenue- original en 2018, aprĂšs plusieurs transformations qui l’avaient dĂ©figurĂ©).

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T’as d’autres pistes que le coffret d’échantillons sur le site officiel (Masculine Discovery Set | Parfums de Marly Official Website 
 30€, bonjour la douille) ou les decants sur ebay ? J’aimerais tester Herod en particulier.

D’accord concernant l’algo de Nose. Pas un seul parfum recommandĂ© ne m’a plu (notĂ©s sur 10, ça tournait entre 1 et 6).

Selon le site de Jovoy, le service Try Me est de nouveau disponible.

De maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, je dĂ©conseillerais les essais Ă  distance. Cela coĂ»te cher, c’est chronophage, et on peut recevoir 50 Ă©chantillons sans qu’un seul ne convienne vraiment. Le but de la plupart des gens est de trouver un ou des parfums Ă  porter, et pas de mener une Ă©tude panoramique de l’offre (ton approche est celle d’un passionnĂ©).
Les essais en parfumerie sont Ă  mon sens plus efficaces et « rentables Â». Par exemple, chez Jovoy, j’ai trouvĂ© l’accueil et le conseil excellents, et l’on peut repartir avec plusieurs Ă©chantillons gratuits (facturĂ©s 5-6€ l’unitĂ© sur le website). Une visite de 15 minutes a permis d’identifier plusieurs parfums qui me plaisaient vraiment.

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Pareil, je ne peux que recommander jovoy pour ceux qui habitent pas trop loin ou qui sont de passage.

L’accueil est vraiment trĂšs bon, la derniĂšre fois j’ai passĂ© une bonne demi-heure (plutĂŽt novice en parfum), la conseillĂšre s’y connaissait vraiment, elle m’a vraiment Ă©normĂ©ment aidĂ© dans mon choix. Au final j’étais en gros doute avec 2 parfums, elle m’a donnĂ© deux Ă©chantillons en me disant de prendre mon temps pour faire mon choix.

Bon, le covid est passĂ© par lĂ  j’ai pas pu y repartir, mais clairement j’y repart dĂšs que je suis de retour sur Paris pour me prendre le parfum.

Au passage, le lieu est vraiment superbe, ça rajoute rien Ă  la qualitĂ© du parfum, mais c’est sympa ahah

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Oui, Jovoy, c’est un incontournable. Et mĂȘme si le cadre est luxueux, les vendeuses ont une « approche BG Â» avec la clientĂšle lambda (je parle pas des riches Ă©trangers, qui sont d’ailleurs trĂšs discourtois avec ces demoiselles, j’ai pu le constater Ă  chaque fois) : aucune pression d’achat, beaucoup de disponibilitĂ© , et on repart avec des Ă©chantillons faits pour nous.
@gilead, le try on demand de Jovoy est quand mĂȘme bien pratique quand on ne peut pas se dĂ©placer et qu’on souhaite essayer de la niche
 mais je comprends ce que tu veux dire, il faut avoir une idĂ©e bien prĂ©cise de ce qu’on veut, sinon ça peut ĂȘtre ruineux.
Parfums de Marly, pas trouvĂ© d’autres plans
 et je veux essayer le mĂȘme que toi ! Les dĂ©cants sur Ebay, j’ai pas confiance. Les coffrets d’échantillons, quand tu sais qu’on peut t’en filer gratis en magasin, ça peut ĂȘtre soit une honte (regarde le prix de celui de F. malle), soit un bon pis-aller (14 euros les 4x2ml chez Kurkdjian, quand tu vois le prix au ml de Baccarat, c’est pas si mal), soit un vrai bon plan (souviens-toi de l’offre de Violet sur cpc).
Pour revenir Ă  l’algorithme Nose, c’est basĂ© sur les pyramides disent-ils, et comme l’écrit @Nieth , elles ne sont pas toujours la reprĂ©sentation exacte du parfum, loin de lĂ  ! !

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Je dĂ©conseille cette approche « de maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale Â» ; il existe donc des cas particuliers pour lesquels ça reste valide : si vous ne passez jamais par les grandes villes, si vous vous en fichez de dĂ©penser XXX€ sans garantie de retour sur investissement, si le parfum visĂ© n’est pas distribuĂ© dans votre pays/rĂ©gion, etc.
Une visite en parfumerie de niche avec sa femme ou un pote peut aussi donner l’occasion d’initier quelqu’un de proche Ă  cet univers. C’est une expĂ©rience culturelle & esthĂ©tique assez simple et plaisante qui mĂ©rite d’ĂȘtre partagĂ©e.

Tu te fournis entre autres sur BeautĂ©Test, n’est-ce pas ? Si tu y vois une offre pour des Ă©chantillons d’Herod, fais-moi signe :pray: Les dĂ©cants sur eBay proviennent de l’étranger, et le coĂ»t de la livraison grĂšve la facture (ex : https://www.ebay.fr/itm/Decant-parfum-de-Marly-Herod-eau-de-parfum-2-5-10-30-ml/372904249344 12€ de fdp pour un Ă©chantillon de 2ml Ă  6,50€ 

En parlant d’expĂ©rience culturelle & esthĂ©tique qui mĂ©rite d’ĂȘtre partagĂ©e, ces 2 posts trouvĂ©s sur le forum de parfumo.net pourraient intĂ©resser les Parisiens et ceux de passage Ă  Paris :

Here are the perfume museum and boutiques that I visited in Paris last couple of months:

Le Grand Musée du Parfum (73 rue du Faubourg St Honoré)

This museum is a must-visit location in my opinion. It does not depend on any brand as Fragonard museum does, nor is it like the Barcelona museum which focused on perfume bottles. It’s a museum centred around the perfumery itself.

There are various interactive instalments to demonstrate what a rose scent is composed of, how the headspace technology operates, etc. The highlight for me, is the instalment at the uppermost floor where one can smell 25 iconic perfume ingredients such as jasmine grandiflorum (the famous Grasse jasmine), oud, muscone, etc. and listen to the audial introduction at the same time.

Its souvenir shop is also worth a detour. Not only are there various brands such as Guerlain exclusive, Elie Saab exclusive, Olfactive Studio, A Lab on Fire, etc. but also a vast selection of perfume books, such as Jean Claude Ellena’s The Diary of A Nose, or more specific books on perfumery materials and perfume history, or the new but very well made perfume magazine « Nez Â», etc.
When I visit Paris with my fellow perfumista friends, and when we have plenty of time to wander around in the city, we usually start from the Serge Lutens boutique at Palais Royal (142 Galerie de Valois, at the east corridor of the garden) which is a place decorated with the peculiar, mysterious aesthetic of Lutens. Besides all the Lutens perfumes and beauty products, you can also buy photo albums featuring the striking visuals in his early years as professional photographer.

Around Palais Royal, there is a Parfum NicolaĂŻ boutique at 28 rue de Richelieu with the complete selection of her fragrances. I even got a bottle of Le Temps d’une FĂȘte which was discontinued early on. There is also a Le Parfum de Rosine boutique at Palais Royal, but I never got to visit it.

From Palais Royal, we often go to rue Saint HonorĂ© and walk towards west, as there are many boutiques around the area. You can find Le Labo boutique at 203 rue Saint HonorĂ© to try their Paris city exclusive Vanille 44 and Penhaligon’s boutique at 209 rue Saint HonorĂ© with their beautiful decorations and complete selection of their fragrances. You may want to check out Colette at 213 rue Saint HonorĂ© if you plan to visit Paris before 20 Dec 2017, as this lengendary fashion boutique is set to close at this date. The fragrances available at Colette usually have the kind of minimalist look, such as Comme des Garçons, Byredo, Heeley, Mizensir, etc. After crossing rue du MarchĂ© Saint HonorĂ© and arriving at 330-332 rue Saint HonorĂ©, you’ll find a pop-up Diptyque boutique that thoroughly renews the boutique’s look every few months.

Continue west to 352 rue Saint HonorĂ©, there’s an Ex Nihilo boutique where you can personalise your Ex Nihilo fragrances with their special machines, although I haven’t yet tried myself. When you leave the Ex Nihilo and continue to head west, if you turn right at the first road, it will lead you to Place VendĂŽme. Just at the corner of rue Saint HonorĂ© and Place VendĂŽme, at the number 356 rue Saint HonorĂ©, there seems to be a new Guerlain boutique. When I visited Paris during September 2017, it wasn’t yet open, but it should be open now.

Cross the Place VendĂŽme to its north side, you can find MaĂźtre Parfumeur et Gantier boutique at 5 rue des Capucines. The SA is very friendly and will help you through the complete selection of their fragrances. You can also buy a 10 ml travel spray for 30 € (if I’m not mistake). The SA will decant it directly from their tester bottle. There is also an Amin Kader boutique close by at 1 rue de la Paix. It’s mainly a store for clothing, but they also carry the Santa Maria Novella line. I didn’t visit them myself, but the opinions posted on French perfume forum about their SA seem mixed. Anyway, if you’re determined to try SMN line, you can also find them in Le Bon MarchĂ© department store at 24 rue de SĂšvres at the left side of Seine.

If you decided not to cross the Place Vendîme and turn left on rue de Castiglione, you’ll find immediately a boutique of Annick Goutal with their complete selection. Continue south towards the Tuilerie garden, you’ll first pass in front of JAR boutique (14 rue de Castiglione) which is another must-visit in my opinion, because it’s one of the only two location to try their fragrances (another one is Barney’s New York if I’m not mistaken). The front of the boutique is very sombre and easily gets ignored. Once entered the boutique, a SA will guide you through their collection with a special procedure: he will let you smell a fragrance blind without any information on notes, etc, and will only reveal its name after you smell it, so that your opinion will not be swayed by the marketing. Once you have smelt all their fragrances (around 5 in total the last time I visited in February 2017), you can request to smell any of them as you like, or ask to try any of them on your skin. Their perfumes are arguably quite expensive, but the SA is very friendly and did not have any problem even if we didn’t purchase anything. (By the way, I also asked to smell two fragrances that were discontinued: Bolt of Lightning and Ferme Tes Yeux, and the SA allowed me to. If you’re really curious about them, maybe you can also mention them to the SA).

*From JAR boutique and continue to head south, you’ll find Jovoy boutique at 4 rue de Castiglione, which is a perfume store specialised in niche brands with a vast selection. You can find luxury brandes such as Roja Dove and Amouage, also independent brands such as Tauer, Anatole Lebreton, etc. You can check out their website to have a complete list of the brands that they carry. The SA are friendly and will let you sniff peacefully as long as you like. You can also request samples to be decanted with purchase. And if you continue to rue de Rivoli and head back west for 100 meters, you’ll find the tea house Angelina to have a rest. I love their chestnut dessert Mont-blanc! ! :grinning:

Head back to rue Saint HonorĂ© and continue to west, you’ll find Costes Hotel at 239-241 rue Saint HonorĂ© (in case you’re confused by the seeming jump of the number on rue Saint HonorĂ©, the door number on the odd number side is much smaller than the even number side across the street). Olivia Giacobetti’s IUNX Parfums has a small boutique here. If you like her work for L’Artisan Parfumeur and Diptyque, you may want to check out her own brand - IUNX, because she only has boutiques in Paris. By the way, the selection at Costes Hotel is not as complete as her stand-alone boutique at 13 rue de Tournon at the left side of Seine.

Continue west from Costes Hotel, the first road is rue Cambon. Turn right and walk north, you’ll find the legendary address of Chanel boutique at 31 rue Cambon with their Les Exclusifs range, By Kilian boutique at 20 rue Cambon with their complete selection and perfumed jewels as well, Parfum de Marly boutique at 26 rue Cambon and Memo boutique at 24 rue Cambon with their beautiful decorations.

Still continue west to rue du Faubourg Saint HonorĂ©, there are many fashion stores along the road, such as HermĂšs at 24 rue du Faubourg Saint HonorĂ©. Continue on this road until you pass in front of ElysĂ©e Palace, you’ll soon find Caron boutique at 90 rue du Faubourg Saint HonorĂ©, where you can try all the famous and more obscure urn fragrances such as Tabac Blond, Narcisse Noir, Narcisse Blanc, Acaciosa, etc. The boutique itself is also very beautiful with golden decorations and crystals.

Continue west a bit more, and you’ll find Le Grand MusĂ©e du Parfum that I talked about at the beginning. And if you go take avenue Matignon to head south and then continue west on avenue des Champs ElysĂ©es, there is also the iconic address of Guerlain at 68 avenue des Champs ElysĂ©es, although I didn’t have had time to visit it myself.


Sorry that my last post was dragging so long
 I’ll continue from a new post.

In my last post, I talked about strolling along rue Saint HonorĂ©. But if you don’t have that much time or energy to walk that long, I’d recommend the following address:

- Departement stores:

– Printemps Haussmann : This giant department store on Boulevard Haussmann just redecorated enlarged its beauty department last summer. The exact address for its beauty department is 61 rue Caumartin. Perfume counters are spread across two floors. The ground floor has a few well-known brands such as Guerlain exclusives, YSL La Vestiaires collection, Armani PrivĂ© line, Louboutin perfumes, Aerin Lauder , etc.

And the first floor will drown you with its monstrous selection of niche brands! You can find another extensive Guerlain counter, Mugler Les Exceptions, Lancîme Grand Cru collection, etc. The usual suspects such as Serge Lutens , L’Artisan Parfumeur , Annick Goutal , Comme des Garçons , Le Labo , etc, and you can find lesser known brands in a section called Scent Room , where newly established niche brands such as Atelier des Ors , Sylvaine Delacourte , Parle Moi de Parfum , Renegades , Sous Le Manteau , etc, are given a special place to shine.

– Galeries Lafayette Haussmann not far from Printemps also has a large space with numerous counters. The beautiful dome is a wonder to set eyes upon. And you can find famous brands from Chanel to lesser known brands such as RĂ©miniscence , etc. I personally prefer Printemps, because it was less crowded than Galeries Lafayette at the time of my visit, but still well worths a visit.
- Specialised niche stores:

– Jovoy at 4 rue de Castiglione, already mentioned in the previous post.

– Marie Antoinette : a cute little store at 5 rue d’Ormesson. The two owners are very friendly and passionate about perfumes. I had a good time chatting with them when I visited their store. It’s the only place offering Vero Profumo and Ineke in Paris, I believe. And there are other excellent brands such as Parfum d’Empire , Mona di Orio , Isabey , Oriza L. Legrand , etc.

Speaking of Oriza L. Legrand , their boutique at 18 rue Saint-Augustin is also a very beautiful place to visit if you’re around OpĂ©ra area.

– Nose at 20 rue Bachaumont. I didn’t visit it myself, only tried their online store. But they seem nice and their selection are also very interesting. You can find less known brands such as Naomi Goodsir , Keiko Mecheri , Sauf , Unum , etc among other more famous niche brands such as The Different Company , Francis Kurkdjian , etc.

– Sens Unique at 13 rue du Roi de Sicile. Didn’t visit myself, but the selection seems very cool as well. Among the lesser known: Beaufort , Majda Bekkali , Evody , etc. Their website has a full list of brands.

– Liquides at 9 rue de Normandie. Again didn’t visit myself, but the selection looks interesting, such as Arquiste , DS & Durga , Map of the Heart , etc. Full list available on their website.
There are also a few brands’ flagship stores around the area of Les Halles and Le Marais, such as
Pierre Guillaume at 13 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Etat Libre d’Orange at 69 rue des Archives, etc.

Source : https://www.parfumo.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=73&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=2

Les posts ayant 3 ans, il est possible que certaines infos soient obsolĂštes (changement d’adresse, fermeture de boutique 
). Mais l’essentiel doit tout de mĂȘme rester valide.

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Il me semble que ce trÚs bel endroit à fermé il y a deux ans. A confirmer ceci dit.

Oui, ce post est prĂ©cieux pour ce faire un parcours « olfactif Â» et faire le plein d’échantillons.
Deux correctifs cependant :

  • le **grand musĂ©e du parfum ** a dĂ©finitivement fermĂ© il y a plus de 2 ans
  • Iunx a fermĂ© cet Ă©tĂ© (il reste quelques flacons chez Nose).

@gilead, oui, je vais faire la demande sur BT, je te tiens au courant.

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Ah, oui, vous avez raison : https://www.lexpress.fr/styles/parfums/fermeture-definitive-du-grand-musee-du-parfum_2024597.html
Eh ben, ce fut de courte durée :neutral_face:

L’article mentionne le musĂ©e Fragonard en alternative (9 rue Scribe, dans le 9Ăšme, Ă  cĂŽtĂ© de l’OpĂ©ra Garnier) https://musee-parfum-paris.fragonard.com/

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Oui, le musée est Fragonard vaut le détour (et il est gratuit, de mémoire)

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Oui l’xp est sympa si tu es en petit groupe

Perso je suis pas restĂ© ensuite pour la partie « commerciale Â»

Idem. Mais c’est Ă©videmment l’objectif pour eux : que tu achĂštes leurs produits en sortant.